Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Feeling Better

We decided to go to California, and we had a lot of fun. We dropped Caden off at Paul's dad and step-mom's Friday night. We had to tear ourselves away, but we got out of there around 8:30 or so. We called non-stop, of course. He was fine! He started that new treatment Friday night, and it had an amazing affect on him. He doesn't cough anymore, even at night! He is eating again... though I don't know how much he weighs. You can just feel it on him though, that he has gained some of it back that he lost last week. He lost over 1/2 a pound last week. Poor guy. His little tummy sticks out a little bit more. It's cute.

Man, you can tell he got spoiled while he was there!!! We got back to the KC airport last night, and drove to Wichita to get him. When I got him up this morning, he wouldn't eat his medicine for anything! He thought he needed a poptart or something. We usually put it in some rice or oatmeal, and give it to him that way, but it's like he can taste it now. I had to draw some up and squirt it into his cheek. He is doing much better though. He only coughs during/after the treatments, which is good, since that's the point. He got to play with his cousins, because they came down over the weekend. He had a blast. They said they put him on two phonebooks, and strapped a belt around him to sit at the table, and he thought he was hot stuff... of course. That's a funny thing to imagine.

I am so glad he's feeling better!!! We go back to the pediatrician next Wednesday to get another xray. If it looks better, we'll stop it, if not, we'll have to go to the pulmonologist. Everyone keep your fingers crossed!


mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I am glad that you guys were able to have a little vacation. Sounds like Caden had one as well!!! Thinking of you,

Megan said...

That is great that Caden is feeling better. So I was thinking, we should all really get together over the summer and maybe take the kidos to the zoo or something.