Friday, July 11, 2008


I forgot to tell you all that we finished our basement. I have been really lazy lately (I'm blaming the baby, lol). Anyway, we finished the basement about a week and a half ago. As soon as we got the carpet in, we couldn't help ourselves. We were so close. So, we built some shelves in the corner for the fancy new TV and DVR. It looks pretty good down there. Except for the humongous weight machine in the corner that a certain someone thinks he's actually going to use. ;) Oh well, if we took it apart, it would take up most of the space in our storage room. I haven't taken any pictures of the finished product, but I will try to remember to do that tonight or sometime soon.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Can't wait to see. We have been at a stand still on our building project. Hopefully it will take off soon.