Things are going well, it's just been a while since I've updated. We are (and have been) in the midst of the "anniversaries" of Caden's hospital stay. I hate to think of them as anniversaries, can't there be another word? I've been debating about doing an update post for a while now, so I'll bite the bullet and get some things off my chest.
I can already tell you that this weekend will be hard for me. April 2nd was the day of Caden's second surgery, and the 3rd was the day that he crashed and was given CPR for an hour. The day they put him on that machine. The day that I wrote about in Caden's Feet.
I can also tell you that April 11th will be a mini-Birthday bash for Caden. That's the day he came off of the machine. I've said it before, but it was almost like him being born again. He was pumping his own blood again, all on his own. It's so amazing. He's so amazing.
I like to think that my family has grown a lot since those days and months 4 years ago. A lot has changed for us. A lot of good things. I guess in this time of the year, I have to remind myself of these good things instead of the "anniversaries".
One thing I know without a doubt: I love all 3 of the boys in my life, and I am so happy to be living the life I am. I am thankful that things have not been more hectic than they are, I know they could be! Caden does have another checkup in April. I am not going to say too much, but I think we will be getting good news once again. He shows no outward signs of tiring easily, sweating, turning colors. I will update with the results from the next check up.
On a side note, I'm just going to throw this out there. Please do not refer to my family as "the one with all of the heart issues". It may not sound bad to you, or to whomever you're speaking with, but it upsets me and it makes me think of things I quite frankly do not want to revisit. Even though we will someday. I'd like to keep those days as far away as possible, and memories only make it worse.
Thank you for keeping him and us in your thoughts.