Friday, December 17, 2010

Medicine and Potty

Strange title, huh? But it's all exciting! Caden has successfully been weaned from his two diuretics, so now he's only on ONE medication! At one point, he was on 12 medications (I believe... it's easy to lose track). So this is a BIG deal! It's very strange only having to draw up one med as opposed to all three. He still takes it 3x per day, but that may change in the future. Most kids with his condition do get off of the meds at some point, so we'll see how long that takes.

Both of the kids did have horrible colds last week, and Paul took them to the Dr. I was afraid that it might be the weaning of the meds, but the Dr assured us not. He prescribed an inhalant steroid and refilled the Xopenex (Albuterol for heart kids), and after a few days, he is now back to normal. He's such a big boy when it comes to taking his breathing treatments.

Now on to the other big news! Cameron has been consistently going #1 and #2 on the potty at least several times a day! Woot! He won't be 2 until January, so this is very impressive to me. Caden was much older by the time he was fully potty trained. I am soooo looking forward to the days of no diapers! He loves to rip the diapers off and climb up on the big boy potty. It's adorable! As long as he doesn't fall in, I think we're good! :D